Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Schindler's List

Jewish moving into the ghetto similar to Schindler's list when the Jews were moving out of their homes and into the ghetto.

In the movie Schindler’s List, directed by Steven Spielberg, is setted  during WW2 in Cracow, Poland. In this setting the Jews were all forced to evacuate their homes and were forced to move into the Jewish ghettos in Cracow. The treatments the Jews  received from the outside Nazi’s were very cruel. They were told by the Germans to get out, leave their valuables, and seperate.Then they were transported into the compressed ghettos. In the memoir Night, Elie Wiesel mentions how the other Jews that didn’t live near the ghetto area in Sighet were all forced to move into the ghetto with barbed wires surrounding them (11) just like in the movie where the ghettos were surrounded by Nazi’s and barb wires. In the story of Night, Elie mentions how he didn’t feel fear with the barbed wires, but felt normal because there were only Jews inside (11) and it was similar to the movie because when  the Jews in Schindler's List moved into the ghetto they were not all disgusted, but lived a normal life. The only ones who felt very opressed were the rich Jews who were disgusted with the conditions they were living in, a cracked wall, shared a small room with other Jews that were strangers to them. Both the movie and book shared a similar event when the Jews had to leave their valuables. In the movie the Nazi’s came into a  wealthy Jewish home and told the Jews to leave their house, including every valuables and in the book Night, Elie Wiesel says, “ A Jew was henceforth forbidden to own gold, jewelries, or any other valuables. Everything had to be handed to the authorities, under penalty of death.” (10-11). The Jews in both the movie and book were disappointed because they had to leave their valuables behind, including their home. Unfortunately both the Jews in Sighet and Cracow were limited of their freedom, trapped inside the ghetto. The only difference of the ghetto scene in the movie and the book was that in the movie Schindler decides to use the Jews to work for him with no cost by offering them to have time to get out of the ghetto and obtain goods that were not obtainable in the ghetto. Viewing the movie Schindler’s List and the book Night, both works displayed similar events such as, poor and cruel treatments the Jews were obtaining during WWII from the Nazi’s. Evacuation of the Jews from their homes; handing over valuables, and the limited freedom they had in the ghettos. The Jews were depressed because of these terms they had. The only things they can do during that time was to work, live in the ghettos, and stay healthy and pray till their freedom came. Unforutnately in both the movie and book the Jews remained in an infernal life.

1 comment:

  1. Ryota,
    I liked how you used quotes from the memoir to highlight a point that you were making. For your next blog, make sure that it is more organized---avoid merely retelling what happened in the chapter or in the movie, but rather analyze the ideas that are being presented. When the Jews of Cracow and Sighet are told that they must leave their homes, what do you think that did to them? How would you have felt? Do you wonder why they obeyed? Examine the reactions of the characters to the injustices happening around them. What do their reactions tell us about being human?
